What happens to our consciousness when we use AI?
As an enthusiastic user of AI tools like ChatGPT, I was concerned to discover one day that our interaction with these tools goes beyond what we’re aware of on a conscious level. Let’s look at how AI can affect our energy and consciousness, as well as how we can use this technology in a safe and healthy way, and prevent unwanted influence.
Do this before going into a healing session or group meditation
You went to a Reiki session or group meditation, and now you feel “off”, disconnected, and overcome by dark thoughts. Together with the healing, you brought home a dark spirit, negative energy cord, or portal in your auric field. Sadly, it’s very common. And here's a simple practice to prevent that next time.
Lessons from a chatty angel with a shopping cart
The other day I encountered one of those people we hear stories about who can magically light up the whole room. And she had two important lessons for me and for everyone who was touched by her magic that day…
How to terminate a difficult soul contract or lesson (without a practitioner’s help)
While we want to honor our soul contracts and life lessons, sometimes they can create so much hardship and suffering that breaking a contract or stopping a lesson may be appropriate so we don't lose our sanity and ability to function in the world. Here's a simple process for terminating a soul contract or lesson that you can do without anyone's help.
Souls that crave freedom: is commitment just not for us?
The desire for a soulful committed relationship is deeply rooted in our human psyche. However, there's a percentage of people that just don't thrive in lifelong committed relationships and families, and that's due to how those folks are designed on a soul level.
If for some of us, settling down with one partner is the road that’ll take us further away from fulfillment, then is it best to avoid commitment altogether?
Not necessarily! Let's look at some life strategies / relationship strategies that can work for such souls.
Is my whole family from the same planet? Your FAQ about soul connections answered!
Answers to common questions about soul connections within families and relationships!
Have I incarnated with my partner and family before?
Does my whole family come from the same planet or star?
Has my partner always been my partner in our past lives?
Are Starseeds in the family more advanced than the Earthly souls?
Can our pets come from our home planet?
And more!
Is this my soulmate? Common (and surprising!) signs that someone has been with you for many lifetimes
Have you ever met someone that immediately felt like family, like a dear friend you haven't seen for a while? You just "clicked", and became instant friends.
It's beautiful when that happens, and it makes us wonder: have we perhaps met this person (or rather this soul) in the past, maybe in another life?
Here are some common — and lesser-known — signs that someone has traveled with you through many lifetimes…
Fate or Free Will: how much of our life is planned before birth?
How much of our life is planned before birth? How much of it is shaped by Free Will choices we make along the way? Are big traumas and important relationships always pre-destined? Is it possible to make choices that go against our pre-birth life plan? Can other people interfere with our path?
The key that unlocks many doors in life [session story]
Do you sometimes wish that there was one quick and easy solution that would magically resolve all your issues and unblock the flow of love and abundance in your life? While it’s naive to think that we can wave a magic wand and transform our life without any effort, there is, in fact, one key that is capable of unblocking us and unlocking the doors to everything we wanted to create in life.
Don't be all “love and light” (until you’ve welcomed your darkness)
Many of us are conditioned to judge and avoid emotions and expressions deemed “negative” or “unspiritual”, such as anger, hatred, jealousy... We're told that negative states lower our vibrations and attract more negative experiences.
What if it’s actually dangerous for us to avoid looking at our darkness and negativity?
Here are some suggestions for working with our shadow.
Psst... a few things in your reality have changed, and you didn't even notice!
Do you remember that classic line from a Disney movie: “Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the fairest one of all?”
Wait… did you say, “Mirror mirror...”?
What if I tell you that this line actually isn't in the movie? The movie says, “MAGIC mirror on the wall”.
Read on for other curious examples of changes in our reality!
Why a computer programmer became an Akashic reader (a life-changing encounter with the Akashic Records)
In this article, I share the story of my seemingly accidental but completely life-changing encounter with the Akashic Records, and why I chose to help others as an Akashic reader.
Why Your Energy Shields Aren't Working
If you rely on energy shields to keep you safe from negative energies, spirit attachments, cords and other intrusive energetic phenomena… I have some bad news for you. :)
In this article:
- reasons why energy shields often don’t stop negative phenomena from entering your energy field
- how to minimize your risk
- a workable approach to energy protection
Thoughts on the pandemic and resources to help us cope
Thoughts on what’s happening in the world, and a list of helpful resources to take care of our well-being and support our communities during this challenging time.
2020: Facing big changes without anxiety and fear
There’s much talk about the year 2020 being the year of huge changes on our planet.
For many, anticipation of monumental changes brings excitement. For some, this anticipation also triggers anxiety and fear.
In this article, I’m sharing some thoughts on facing changes without giving in to anxiety and fear.
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