Do this before going into a healing session or group meditation
You went to a Reiki session or group meditation, and now you feel “off”, disconnected, and overcome by dark thoughts. Together with the healing, you brought home a dark spirit, negative energy cord, or portal in your auric field. Sadly, it’s very common. And here's a simple practice to prevent that next time.
Why Your Energy Shields Aren't Working
If you rely on energy shields to keep you safe from negative energies, spirit attachments, cords and other intrusive energetic phenomena… I have some bad news for you. :)
In this article:
- reasons why energy shields often don’t stop negative phenomena from entering your energy field
- how to minimize your risk
- a workable approach to energy protection
How to repel narcissists and energy vampires alike
Narcissists, sociopaths, and energy vampires in general are very toxic to us: they always try to latch onto us energetically, often by eliciting an emotional reaction. They are basically cut off from the Source and have to survive by feeding on the energy of other people.
In the form of goofy cartoons, I’m offering some real and in-jest techniques for dealing with those pesky energy leeches. :)
Holiday survival tips for empaths and sensitive souls
Besides being a busy, happy, exciting time, for sensitive souls holidays can also be a very overwhelming time. Here are a few tips on how we can manage our energy during this time to avoid getting drained and overwhelmed.
Why Reiki is not enough to heal your physical or emotional issues
We all know the many wonderful benefits of Reiki: it helps us relax, relieves stress, provides an emotional release, boosts immunity and the body's natural self-healing mechanisms, balances and nourishes our energy field, and so on.
However, if you're dealing with major emotional or health issues, benefits of Reiki are only temporary at best. Reiki doesn't really "fix" anything. Why?
Managing energetic connections with others and staying in energetic integrity
A discussion of some of the methods we can use to protect our energy from being drained or affected by other folks.
Causes of energy leaks
One of the major reasons folks seek energy healing is fatigue, or feeling energetically drained. Of course there are plenty of physical, psychological, and lifestyle reasons for that. When none of these are at play and an otherwise healthy person still constantly feels like a deflated balloon, sometimes there's an energetic reason behind that. Let's look at some of the causes of energy drain, some obvious, others surprising.
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