Akashic Records, General Julia Akashic Records, General Julia

Is my whole family from the same planet? Your FAQ about soul connections answered!

Answers to common questions about soul connections within families and relationships!
Have I incarnated with my partner and family before?
Does my whole family come from the same planet or star?
Has my partner always been my partner in our past lives?
Are Starseeds in the family more advanced than the Earthly souls?
Can our pets come from our home planet?
And more!

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General Julia General Julia

Is this my soulmate? Common (and surprising!) signs that someone has been with you for many lifetimes

Have you ever met someone that immediately felt like family, like a dear friend you haven't seen for a while? You just "clicked", and became instant friends.

It's beautiful when that happens, and it makes us wonder: have we perhaps met this person (or rather this soul) in the past, maybe in another life?

Here are some common — and lesser-known — signs that someone has traveled with you through many lifetimes…

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